It requires Node.js. Install it with one of two methods:
- NPM: npm install --global pack-mmip
- Download the latest release from the github page, extract it into the folder of your choice, and add the folder to your system PATH.
Pack-mmip automatically creates an archive with an .mmip extension, and pack-zip automatically creates an archive with a .zip extension. MMIPs are just zip archives with a different filename, so the same tool can be used for both purposes.
Código: Selecionar todos
pack-mmip <path to project> <[optional] path to packed extension OR just its name> <options>
-a --AppendVersion Read the project's version from its info.json and append it to the
filename. For example: MyAddon-1.2.3.mmip
-b --PutFileIntoBin Put resulting file into a subfolder named "bin"
-d --Debug Debug logs. Please use this if you encounter a bug, and paste the
logs into a new GitHub issue.
-h --help Print this help text and exit
-i --IgnoreDefaults Ignore configuration rules
-o --OpenAfterComplete Open file (Install to MediaMonkey) after complete
-s --ShowAfterComplete Show in folder after complete
-v --version Print version and exit
-y --Yes Automatically answer "yes" to prompts
-p --PreambleFile <name> File containing a preamble to be added to the top of text files.
--preamble-<filetype> <pattern> Pattern for the preamble to be inserted into files of the specified
patterns for comments. Use %s for where the preamble text should go.
Add a file named .mmipignore or .archiveignore in your project root.
It uses glob syntax similar to .gitignore
pack-mmip config Different configuration files are saved for pack-mmip and pack-zip.
If path to packed extension is not specified, it will default to the name of the folder.
--create-symlink <path> Tool that creates a symbolic link from your install's scripts folder to
your project folder, making it easier for development. Just restart
MediaMonkey for your changes to take effect, instead of having to
re-pack and re-install the addon.
--init Tool that automatically creates a new info.json file in the current
folder, after prompting for title, ID, version, etc. Similar to `npm init`.
Código: Selecionar todos
pack-mmip config
pack-zip config
Código: Selecionar todos
# Packs C:/projects/MyPackage into C:/projects/MyPackage.mmip
pack-mmip C:/projects/MyPackage C:/projects/MyPackage.mmip
# Does the same as above, but with relative paths instead of absolute paths
# If you do not add a .mmip file extension, it will do it for you.
cd C:/projects/MyPackage
pack-mmip ./ ../MyPackage
# If you do not specify a file name, it will automatically give it the name of the original folder.
cd C:/projects
pack-mmip MyPackage MyCustomPackageName
# result: C:/projects/MyCustomPackageName.mmip
pack-mmip MyPackage
# result: C:/projects/MyPackage.mmip
pack-zip MyPackage
# result: C:/projects/
# The -s argument will open a file explorer window containing the newly packed file.
pack-mmip MyPackage -s
# The -o argument will attempt to run the file, causing MediaMonkey to install it.
pack-mmip MyPackage -o
# The -b argument will place your packaged file into a subfoler named "bin".
pack-mmip MyPackage -b
# result: C:/projects/bin/MyPackage.mmip
Código: Selecionar todos
pack-mmip MyExtension MyExtension.mmip -o
I really hope this is helpful! Let me know if any of you use it, or if you have suggestions for improvements!